2016-09-06 LGC Minutes Minutes FARMERS BRANCH LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION A Texas Nonprofit Local Government Corporation Meeting of the Board of Directors September 6, 2016 —2:30 PM City Manager's Conference Room Farmers Branch City Hall 13000 William Dodson Parkway Farmers Branch, Texas 75234 1. Call to order and announce a quorum is present. a. Bob Phelps called to order at 2:31 pm The following members of the Farmers Branch Local Government Corporation(FBLGC) were present: Steve Parker, Mayor Bob Phelps, Pam Dehon, Harold Froehlich City administration present: John Land, Deputy City Manager Allison Cook, Economic Development Director Braden Metcalf, City Attorney Charles Cox, City Manager 2. Approval of the Minutes of Farmers Branch Local Government Corporation(FBLGC)meeting of August 2nd, 2016. a. Charles Cox approved b. Second by Steve Parker 3. Discuss and consider authorizing the negotiation and execution of agreements to purchase from the City of Farmers Branch and sale to Yuriy McKinney and wife,Natalya McKinney, the property described as Lot 17, Block E, Farmersdell Addition First Installment, City of Farmers Branch, Texas,more commonly known as 12805 Wilmington. a. Harold Froehlich Inquires About Program: How do we make sure the house presented is the house actually built? b. Allison Cook and John Land Respond: There are restriction agreements and planning and zoning pd(s)that dictate certain lot coverages. c. Harold Asks Where the Internal Checklist is: Allison Cook responds that it is a shared responsibility between departments. d. Motion read and approved by John Land e. Second by Charles Cox f. All aye 4. Adjournment. a. Motion to adjourn—Steve Parker b. Second by Harold Froehlich c. all aye d. 2:47 pm Bob Phelps, President Steve arker, Secretary