Minutes of
August 11,2016 Meeting
Presiding: Randy Walhood, Director of Public Works
Advisory Board Members Present:Harold Froehlich, Mike Sheaffer, Berry Grubbs, Pat
Canuteson, and Vernon Smith (Mr. Smith did not arrive until 7:05 PM) 6:45 PM
Others Present: John Land, John Norwood and Todd Womble
Items on the Agenda:
1. Randy Walhood called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
2. Approve the minutes of the June 2, 2016 meeting:
Motion was made by Councilmen Harold Froehlich Pat Canuteson to approve the
minutes as they stand written; seconded by Advisory Member Pat Canuteson
Vernon Smith; motion was passed unanimously.
3. Presentation from Freese &Nichols on the Farmers Branch Creek Watershed Project:
Three engineers with Freese and Nichols (Kelly Dillard, Thomas Caffarel, and
David Rivera) made a presentation to the Advisory Committee members regarding
the first step of the plan to perform the study on the Farmers Branch Creek
watershed. Initially, to contact all property owners and get letters of authorization
to enter into their property in order to evaluate current existing conditions along the
creek. They further asked the committee to view the letter they propose to send out
and requested suggestions of its contents.
Guest, Mr. Todd Womble offered his assistance in retrieving authorization letters
from property owners along the creek.
Advisory Committee Members voiced their concerns regarding the letter that Freese
&Nichols proposes to be sent out. They suggested that the letter should be on
City's letter head, open paragraph should state purpose of the survey and
understanding of the potential end result with a date for possible public meeting.
Freese and Nichols made known to the Committee that they would take
suggestions, make amendments and have Randy Walhood give the final acceptance
of the letter before going out to the residents. Freese and Nichols also conveyed
that they wanted to make certain that communications with the Advisory
Committee, City Council and the Public is available via a website they propose to
establish that could be placed on the City's website.
Advisory Members voiced other ways to send out the message to the residents, via
the Branch Review in water bills; City website; the Branch Bulletin sent out weekly
via internet; and regular US mail. They further requested that on Freese &Nichols
website to provide other cities with similar situations that can be viewed (success
stories). Show a time line, and have the letter of authorization available on the
website where property owners can access and give authorization by replying via
the internet (in lieu of mailing the document back).
Advisory Members discussed previous study that was conducted in the late 90's and
how nothing came of it. Randy Walhood explained that at that time there was no
Stormwater funds available. The purpose of this study is for Freese &Nichols to
provide the City with current conditions, identify problem areas, protect city
utilities within the creek, prioritize the improvements and provide an estimated cost
so that the city can plan those improvements throughout the years and when funds
are available.
4. Discussion of dredging Rawhide Creek adjacent to Farmers Branch Library:
Advisory Member Vernon Smith made a motion to table this item for one year;
seconded by Advisory Member Mike Sheaffer; motion passed unanimously.
5. Adjournment:
Motion was made by Advisory Member Pat Canuteson to adjourn the meeting at
7:47 p.m.; seconded by Advisory Member Berry Grubbs; motion was passed
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Randy Walhod, ►'rector of P,blic Works Natalia Davis, Public Works Coordinator
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Amy Piukana, y Secretary